Zborníky konferencií ISE/ISCE

Collection of Proceedings of Annual Congress of Electrocardiology of International Society of Electrocardiology and International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology (Digitized and published online by Slovak National Library with permissions of editors in 2014 - 2015)

International Society of Electrocardiology logo 


Issue/Location/ Organizer/ Editor

Spatial Vectorcardiography foto

Spatial Vectorcardiography. Symposium on theory, technique and clinical application, 21 – 24 October 1959 Wroclaw, Poland; Ed: Kowarzyk H.


Probleme der Räumlichen Vektorkardiographie obalka

Probleme der Räumlichen Vektorkardiographie.
Internationales Coloquium, 1961.
Starý Smokovec, Slovakia;
Eds: Kowarzyk H., Ruttkay-Nedecky I., 1963.


ources and Surface Representation of the Cardiac Electric Field obálka

Sources and Surface Representation of the Cardiac Electric Field.
7th International Colloquium Vectorcardiograficum. 13 – 16 September 1966 Smolenice, Slovakia; Ed: Ruttkay-Nedecky I., 1970


Annals of the Medical Section of the Polish Academy of Science obálka

Annals of the Medical Section of the Polish Academy of Science.
th International Colloquium Vectorcardiograficum. 27 – 31 October 1969 Jablonna, Poland. Ed. Kowarzykova Z.


Electrocardiology ´83 obálka

Electrocardiology ´83

Proceedings of the 10th Annual Congress of Electrocardiology,
16 – 19 August 1983 Bratislava, Slovakia; Ed: Ruttkay-Nedecky I., Macfarlane P.

ISBN 0-444-80585-0


Electrocardiology ´83 obálka

Electrocardiology ´83
Cardiac Rhythm, Arrhythmias, Conduction Disturbances : Selected Papers of the 10h Annual Congress of Electrocardiology
, 16 – 19 August 1983

Bratislava, Slovakia; Ed: Ruttkay-Nedecky I., Macfarlane P.


Building Bridges in Electrocardiology obálka

Building Bridges in Electrocardiology

Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Congress of Electrocardiology,
22 – 29 June 1995 Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Ed.: van Oosterom A.

ISBN 90-9008399-5


Electrocardiology 2000 obálka

Electrocardiology 2000

Proceedings of the 26h Annual Congress of Electrocardiology,
26 June – 3 July 1999 Syktyvkar, Komi, Russia; Ed: Roshchevski

ISBN 5-900280-75-6


Electrocardiology 2000 obálka

Electrocardiology 2000

Proceedings of the 27h Annual Congress of Electrocardiology,
26 June – 1July 2001Milan, Italy; Ed.: de Ambroggi L.

ISBN 88-86062-64-8



Electrocardiology 2001

Proceedings of the 28h Annual Congress of Electrocardiology,
26 – 30 June 2001Sao Paulo, Brazil; Ed.: Pastore C. A.

ISBN 85-7379-542-5



International Journal of Biomagmetism
Special issue on Electrocardiology and Neuropsychology,

Volume 4, N. 2, 2002

Montreal, Canada; Ed. Malmivuo et al.

ISSN 1456-7865 (online issue), ISSN 1458-7857 (printed)



International Journal of Biomagmetism obálka

International Journal of Biomagmetism
Advances in Bioelectrocartdiology
, Volume 5, N. 1, 2003

Helsinki, Finland; Ed.: Malmivuo J. et al.

ISSN 1456-7865 (online issue), ISSN 1458-7857 (printed)



Electrocardiology 2007 obálka

Electrocardiology 2007

Proceedings of the 34th Annual Congress of Electrocardiology
and 48
th Symposium on Vectorcardiography, 27 – 30 June 2007,
Istanbul; Anatolian Journal of Cardiology, Volume 7, Suppl. 1, July 2007

ISSN 1302-8723

Link: www.anakander.com


Electrocardiology 2009 obálka

Electrocardiology 2009

Proceedings of the 36th Annual Congress of Electrocardiology
and 50th Symposium on Vectorcardiography, 24 – 27 June 2009,

Wroclaw, Poland; Eds.: Sobieszczanska M., Jagielski J.

ISBN 978-83-928209-5-6


logo International society for computerized electrocardiology  


Issue/Location/ Organizer/ Editor

Computerized Interpretation of the ECG IV obálka

Computerized Interpretation of the ECG IV

Pacific Grove, CA, USA, 1979; Eds: T. A. Pryor, J.J. Bailey


Computerized Interpretation of the Electrocardiogram obálka

Computerized Interpretation of the Electrocardiogram

Pacific Grove, CA, USA, 1980; Eds: G.D. Tolan, T. A. Pryor


Computerized Interpretation of the Electrocardiogram obálka

Computerized Interpretation of the Electrocardiogram

Santa Barbara, CA, USA; Eds: R.E. Bonner, T.A. Pryor, M.M. Laks, S.S. Cole


Computerized Interpretation of the Electrocardiogram obálka

Computerized Interpretation of the Electrocardiogram

Santa Barbara, CA, USA; Eds: M.M. Laks, S.S. Cole


Computerized Interpretation of the Electrocardiogram obálka

Computerized Interpretation of the Electrocardiogram

Banff Springs, Canada; Eds: R.H.Selvester, D. Geselowitz


Computerized Interpretation of the Electrocardiogram obálka

Computerized Interpretation of the Electrocardiogram

Easton, Maryland, USA; Eds: D.W. Mortara, R.E.Ideker, J.J. Bailey


Computerized Interpretation of the Electrocardiogram X obálka

Computerized Interpretation of the Electrocardiogram X

Santa Barbara, CA, USA; Eds: G.S. Wagner, B.J.Scherlag, J.J. Bailey


Computerized Interpretation of the Electrocardiogram XI obálka

Computerized Interpretation of the Electrocardiogram XI

Santa Barbara, CA, USA; Eds: P.Kligfield, D.W. Mortara, J.J. Bailey


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