Museum exposition

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Exhibition of the Slavic Museum A. S. Pushkin on Youtube

The permanent exhibition of the Slavic Museum A. S. Pushkin (SMASP), located in the Renaissance castle in Brodzany, is divided into two parts:

  • Friesenhof and Oldenburg Family Salons 
    Historical salons captivate with period and original furniture, personal items, family albums, and rich visual decoration. The salon of Baron von Friesenhof's second wife, Austrian diplomat in Petrograd, Alexandra Gončarová-Friesenhof, is furnished with original furniture. The music salon houses books from the Friesenhof family library, publications by renowned Russian publisher A. Smirdin, and a Franco-Russian atlas of Imperial Russia printed in 1833. Among the most valuable exhibits are the herbarium of Natalia Ivanovna Zagriažská-Friesenhof from the first half of the 19th century and family photographic albums of the Friesenhofs and Oldenburgs. Albums of drawings and portraits by renowned Russian and European artists are considered unique and are appreciated by the professional community.
    Slovanské múzeum A. S. Puškina, Brodzany - salón A. Gončarovovej - Friesenhof Slovanské múzeum A. S. Puškina, Brodzany - herbár A. Gončarovovej - Friesenhofovej Slovanské múzeum A. S. Puškina, Brodzany - fotografie rodiny Oldenburg
  • Life and Work of A. S. Pushkin
    Portraits, drawings, and books related to the personality of A. S. Pushkin illustrate the tumultuous life of the Russian poetry classic. As a prominent representative of Russian Romanticism, Pushkin was translated by numerous significant Slovak poets. This part of the exhibition introduces their translation activities and contributions to making Pushkin's work accessible to the Slovak public.
    Slovanské múzeum A. S. Puškina - veraje dverí so značkami výšky Puškinových detí Slovanské múzeum A. S. Puškina - kartotečný lístok s dielom A. S. Puškina Slovanské múzeum A. S. Puškina, Brodzany - vzťahy slovenskej a ruskej literatúry
  • Castle exterior
    The permanent exhibition at SMASP is complemented by a historically and botanically valuable park, a protected area. Among rare trees, visitors can find busts of Slovak and Russian writers. A visit to the castle is worth combining with a short walk to the Friesenhof family tomb – the original owners of the castle. To schedule a tour of the Slavic Museum A. S. Pushkin exhibition, please contact us.

    foto Brodzany 1 foto Brodzany 2

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