International standard identifier for libraries and related organizations (ISIL)

Slovak National Library is registered as an authority for assigning a special identifier to libraries and other organizations at Danish Agency for Libraries and Media, which is Registration Authority for ISO 15511 Information and documentation - International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Organizations (ISIL).

  • The library code

International standard identifier for ISIL libraries is a code which clearly identifies the organisation, i. e the library, archive, gallery and museum, or other related organisation.

  • Registration number

Registration number is a alphanumerical code assigned to institutions which identifies the country, type of organization, type of library for each institution.

Form for obtaining the library code or registration number

If You are interested in obtaining the library code or registration number, please fill the form below:

Slovak National Library
Odbor Knižničný inštitút
Nám. J.C. Hronského 1
036 01 Martin

List of Slovak libraries and their international standard identifiers for libraries and similar organizations (ods)

Information about ISIL code in Slovak language is available here.

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Slovak National Library
Namestie J. C. Hronskeho 1
036 01 Martin
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