Slovak National Library: 2022 in Numbers

In 2022, the Slovak National Library was slowly getting back to life without the pandemic restrictions, although the times changed due to the war conflict in the Ukraine. Public events and conferences were held again. The library was active in international library structures and we managed to increase the number of digitised objects accessible online.

foto ilustracne

The constant import of digitised objects into our Digital Library and its promotion on social networks was reflected by a significant increase of displayed documents (88,108) in our Digital Library. "In 2022, we concluded an extended collective license agreement with the rights management organisation LITA. In 2023, this enabled us to start making digital copies of out-of-commerce works available to the public through the SNL Digital Library. All works are accessible in the member's area of the European Economic Area free of charge," said Katarína Krištofová, Director General of the SNL. So we expect that the number of uses and displayed documents will increase in 2023. In 2022, 59,376 objects were digitised.

foto Verejný odpočet foto Verejný odpočet

As the epidemiological restrictions were removed, the SNL prepared 17 cultural and educational events for the public, 3 scientific conferences and 3 exhibitions in the Literary Museum of the SNL. The most attractive event for the public was the scientific afternoon On Halfway to Mars, where the main guests were scientists Dr. Michaela Musilová and professor Štefan Klein.

foto Verejný odpočet foto Verejný odpočet

“The Slovak National Library followed the institutions that were helping to emigrants from the Ukraine in their difficult times. We provided accommodation to more than 20 adults and children so that they could find peace in their difficult times,” said K. Krištofová.

foto Verejný odpočet foto Verejný odpočet

Restoration of the technological infrastructure of the KIS3G library information system, which also serves other Slovak libraries, is considered to be a great success as well.

foto Verejný odpočet foto Verejný odpočet

We renovated the entrance of the Friesenhof Mansion in Brodzany (the seat of our Slavic Museum of A. S. Pushkin) and its roof was painted with the protective coat that will extend the life of its covering.

foto Verejný odpočet foto Verejný odpočet

By the end of 2022, the SNL registered 8,180 active users and 90,340 library loans. Our services were used by 689 researchers. 28,861 visitors attended our two museums. The SNL employees actively participated in initiatives provided by several international library structures. The Director General of the SNL, Katarína Krištofová, continued to be active in CENL (Conference of European National Librarians) and IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions). The Forum of Central Libraries of the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic, which was held by the SNL in November 2022, was proof of the close cooperation between Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

Katarína Štefanides Mažáriová

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