Journey of the time

Journey of the time

On May 25, 2024, the discoverer of seven new dinosaurs, Martin Kundrát, and the first Slovak astronaut, Ivan Bella, will be guests at the Slovak National Library. We will look back into the past, when our oceans, land and air were inhabited by dinosaurs, and we will try to find the answer to whether their destruction could really have come from outer space. And there's one alive that's going to be wlaking and roaring around the library :-)

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The Apponyi Library: Exhibition: The Birth of the Book

The Apponyi Library: Exhibition: The Birth of the Book

The Birth of the Book is the name of this year´s exhibition Gutenberg's library, which is prepared every year by the Slovak National Library in the Apponyi Library. This time we will go back in time to the period when the first printed books were created.

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Literary Museum: Slniečko (The Sun) in the museum

Literary Museum: Slniečko (The Sun) in the museum

or how to reach the sun - is the name of the interactive exhibition for children and adults, which is open from November 10, 2023 in the Literary Museum of the Slovak National Library. Slniečko (The Sun) is our most famous children magazine and its the first issue was published in September 1927.

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The Friesenhofs Manor in Brodzany is on the stamp

Friesenhofovský kaštieľ na poštovej známke

Stamps, letters and postcards used to be a common part of our lives. It was the pleasure for Slovak National Library to welcome the fact that a stamp from the issue series Beauty of our Homeland: Renaissance Manor in Brodzany had been included in the issue plan of The Slovak Post Office (Slovenská pošta a.s.).

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Find our museum in the app now!

Nájdite naše múzeum v appke

You can find the A.S. Puškin Slavic Museum in the mobile application - digital guide SmartGuide. Install the SmartGuide and plan the places to visit next weekend - apart from our museum - directly from home. Or install it before visiting the museum and you can start the guided tour (offline) in Slovak, English, German, Russian or French language.

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January 2025
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Vážení používatelia,
v dňoch 23.12.2024 až 6.1.2025 bude Slovenské národná knižnica [...]
Dátum :  01 01 2025
Vážení používatelia,
v dňoch 23.12.2024 až 6.1.2025 bude Slovenské národná knižnica [...]
Dátum :  02 01 2025
Vážení používatelia,
v dňoch 23.12.2024 až 6.1.2025 bude Slovenské národná knižnica [...]
Dátum :  03 01 2025
Vážení používatelia,
v dňoch 23.12.2024 až 6.1.2025 bude Slovenské národná knižnica [...]
Dátum :  04 01 2025
Vážení používatelia,
v dňoch 23.12.2024 až 6.1.2025 bude Slovenské národná knižnica [...]
Dátum :  05 01 2025
Vážení používatelia,
v dňoch 23.12.2024 až 6.1.2025 bude Slovenské národná knižnica [...]
Dátum :  06 01 2025


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