Literary Museum: Slniečko (The Sun) in the museum

or how to reach the sun - is the name of the interactive exhibition for children and adults, which is open from November 10, 2023 in the Literary Museum of the Slovak National Library. Slniečko (The Sun) is our most famous children magazine and its the first issue was published in September 1927.

foto vystavy Slniecko foto vystavy Slniecko

It had been published continuously until June 1950, when it was stopped. Since 1969 is being published so far.

From its beginning, the magazine profiled itself as an art magazine intended for children. It emphasized the Christian-ethical dimension, later there were more texts influenced by national and social moods in society. It also paid attention to the education of children. It emphasized literary and journalistic work simultaneously with illustrations. In addition to folk tales and rumours, the magazine gradually includes Slovak original work and samples from translated literature.

foto vystavy Slniecko foto vystavy Slniecko

You will be surprised when you see so many interesting museum objects at the exhibition that connect us with this magazine. However, we also have found portraits of literary figures who had founded it and their personal items related to Slniečko. For example, the fountain pen with which Mária Rázusová - Martáková wrote fairy tales in the magazine or the favourite watch of Jozef Cíger Hronský, which measured the time of day for him to write or to rest.

Jarmila Kováčová
exhibition curator

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